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Technology is rapidly changing how law enforcement agencies can drive safer citizens, communities, and responders. New solutions can help departments gather, analyze, and share data rapidly to make informative decisions faster – as well as help to identify officers who might benefit from additional resources and services to support them.
During IACP 2020, Richard Zak, Director, Public Safety & Justice Solutions at Microsoft will host a session on how law enforcement leaders have addressed critical challenges using technology:
- From the Chicago Police Department, Sabih Khan, Deputy Chief for Strategic Initiatives, and Maggie Goodrich, Consultant at the University of Chicago Crime Lab and former CIO at the LAPD, will join Mr. Zak to discuss the launch of their new officer support system. The system was designed specifically for their unique challenges with input from officers, supervisors, and other experts.
- Also joining the discussion will be Assistant Divisional Officer, Darren Henstock, from the Digital Policing Division, Western Australia Police Force. Over the past year, the Western Australia Police Force has undergone a digital transformation, moving to secure cloud services and high bandwidth network connectivity to enhance their digital policing strategy and to keep their communities safer.
Get ready to learn best practices from these law enforcement and technology leaders. You won’t want to miss this session, which will be held on Friday, October 23rd at 12:30 to 1:30 pm EDT.